Participation de la confédération Memur-Sen au 36e Comité Consultatif Mixte UE-Turquie
27.07.17, Jeudi
Le 36e Comité Consultatif Mixte UE-Turquie s'est réuni les 18 et 19 juillet 2017 à Bruxelles pour travailler sur un large éventail de questions qui comprennent les relations entre la Turquie et l'UE en ce qui concerne l'énergie, la coopération dans le domaine des PME-PMI et la formation professionnelle, l'intégration des personnes handicapées dans la vie sociale, les femmes, les microentreprises, l'emploi et le développement économique dans le contexte de la stratégie du traité de Lisbonne, la migration, l'exemption de visas pour les ressortissants turcs voyageant dans l'espace Schengen et la modernisation de l'accord d'union douanière UE-Turquie.
Le Comité Consultatif Mixte UE-Turquie, co-présidé par Anna Van Wezel et M. Rifat Hisarciklioglu, a rassemblé 14 membres du Conseil Economique et Social Européen (CESE) et 26 membres de la société civile organisée en Turquie. Les membres du CCM UE-Turquie se répartissent, selon leur appartenance socioprofessionnelle, en trois groupes de représentation correspondant aux compétences de la vie économique et du dialogue social, de la cohésion sociale et de la vie associative.
Les membres du CCM, sur invitation de sa co-présidente, Anna Van Wezel, ont observé une minute de silence en hommage aux 250 morts à la suite de la tentative de coup d’état sanglant perpétrée le 15 juillet 2016. Ils ont également exprimé leurs plus vives condoléances aux familles des martyrs et à la population turque.
Les membres du CCM ont confirmé une nouvelle fois leur attachement à la mise en œuvre d’un plan d'action commun. Dans le même temps, les membres de la partie Turque et de l'UE ont reconnu que des efforts supplémentaires et résolus doivent être déployés rapidement. Les parties se sont félicitées sur la « Déclaration conjointe » et ont également convenus de se réunir à Adana, en Turquie, pour leur prochaine réunion.
La 36e réunion du CCM UE-Turquie s’est déroulée au siège du CESE, à Bruxelles, les 18 et 19 juillet 2017. Lors de la séance d’ouverture, Georges Dassis, président du CESE, a accueilli le ministre turc des affaires européennes Ömer Çelik et les autres participants en déclarant que: «Malgré les tensions, le dialogue est absolument essentiel, en particulier dans les périodes difficiles comme celles que nous traversons actuellement» et en faisant état de ses préoccupations concernant la situation qui prévaut en Turquie en matière de respect des droits fondamentaux.
Ömer Çelik a quant à lui déclaré que la Turquie vise un statut de membre à part entière de l’UE: «Nous sommes fermement attachés au processus d’adhésion, notre ambition est de devenir un État membre à part entière; toute autre forme de coopération ne nous intéresse pas».
Tout en réitérant sa vive condamnation de la tentative de coup d’état d’il y a un an, le CCM a néanmoins insisté sur le respect du droit à un procès équitable et à une procédure judiciaire régulière de même que sur la nécessité de prendre des mesures pour renforcer davantage encore la démocratie, les droits civils et la cohésion sociale, et de respecter les droits fondamentaux universels ainsi que l’indépendance du pouvoir judiciaire et l’état de droit.
Sur les relations entre l’UE et la Turquie, les membres du CCM ont salué les efforts qui sont actuellement déployés par la Turquie sur la question de la migration, estimant que le défi des migrations en Méditerranée orientale doit être relevé conjointement par l’UE et la Turquie.
Sur la situation de l’économie en Turquie, le CCM se félicite de la proposition de la Commission européenne de moderniser l’accord d’union douanière, mais rappelle la nécessité que l’accord soit pourvu d’un chapitre relatif au développement durable prévoyant des normes de travail, sociales et environnementales.
Sur les questions sociales et l’emploi en Turquie, le CCM a souligné que d’autres mesures et politiques doivent être mises en œuvre pour promouvoir les droits fondamentaux du travail et des conditions de travail décentes, dans le respect des conventions fondamentales de l’OIT. L’importance de favoriser la transition de l’économie informelle vers l’économie formelle a également été soulignée.
Sur la question des droits et de l’emploi des femmes, les membres du CCM considèrent que l’émancipation économique et sociale des femmes et l’intégration de la dimension de genre sont toutes deux essentielles pour parvenir à une véritable égalité entre les sexes. Ils ont également souligné que la conciliation de la vie professionnelle et de la vie familiale des femmes est un moteur de croissance et ont favorablement accueilli les initiatives telles que l’extension des mesures d’incitation à l’emploi des femmes.
En marge de la réunion, les membres du CCM UE-Turquie se sont rendus à l’Ambassade de Turquie à Bruxelles pour assister à l’inauguration d’une exposition photo en hommage aux martyrs du coup d’état manqué du 15 Juillet 2016.
meeting in Brussels on 18 and 19 July 2017
1- The EU-Turkey Joint Consultative Committee (JCC) brings together representatives of organised civil society from the EU and Turkey. It complements the other bodies set up within the framework of the Association Agreement between the EU and Turkey and enables civil society organisations from both sides to monitor the accession negotiations and initiate debates on issues of common interest. Its members come from various economic and social interest groups.
2- The JCC reiterates its strong condemnation of the coup attempt against the democratically elected government and constitutional order witnessed in Turkey, on 15 July 2016. The JCC pays tribute to all victims of the attempted coup d'état, The JCC condemns the terrorist attacks that took place both in Turkey and in the EU. The JCC asks the EU member states and Turkey to take joint action against terrorists.
3- Turkey has been a member of the Council of Europe since 1950, and has the responsibility to meet its obligations under the European Convention on Human Rights. The JCC stresses that, while all efforts should be made to bring the perpetrators to justice, the right to fair trial and due process should be respected and that all measures taken should further strengthen democracy, civil rights and social cohesion, respecting universal fundamental rights, the independence of the judiciary and the rule of law. The JCC expresses great concern at the arrest and mass dismissals of public servants, and asks that Turkey lifts the state of emergency as soon as possible, as it deeply affects the Turkish citizens in their civil rights. The JCC notes the establishment of the Inquiry Commission on the State of Emergency Measures and welcomes its role in facilitating access to legal processes. The JCC calls for acknowledgement of peaceful citizens' initiatives as a signal of their engagement in public life.
4- The JCC stresses the importance of maintaining the dialogue between Turkish and EU civil society organisations. It reiterates its commitment to continue long-term cooperation and underlines that civil society organisations can only function in an atmosphere of respect for civil liberties.
The state of EU-Turkey relations and the implementation of the EU-Turkey statement
5- The JCC welcomes the recommendation to move forward with Chapters 23 (Judiciary and fundamental rights) and 24 (Justice, freedom and security) and calls for the opening of these two chapters. In line with Chapters 23 and 24, JCC members once again highlight the attention the EU-Turkey dialogue needs to give to the effective implementation of basic rights and freedoms based on:
- rule of law and the independence of judiciary;
- freedom of expression without fear of individual discrimination or punishment;
- media freedom that promotes diversity;
- freedom of association and assembly;
- women's rights and gender equality;
- trade union rights;
- rights of minorities, including sexual, religious or cultural groups; consumer rights.
6- The JCC encourages all parties to actively support the resumption of the negotiations on a fair, comprehensive and viable settlement of the Cyprus issue within the UN framework and the parameters set out by the UN Secretary General. The JCC welcomes the presence of the EU as observer in the last conference to ensure that the EU values can contribute to the process. The JCC asks the Turkish government to fully implement the Ankara Protocol for all European member states and thereby facilitate the opening of additional chapters on which negotiations were suspended. The JCC also takes note of the decision of the Council of the European Union of 22 January 2007 regarding the economic development of the Turkish Cypriot Community.
7- The JCC commends the huge efforts that are being made by Turkey to ensure adequate reception and living conditions for a large number of refugees. The number of refugees in Turkey has reached over 3.4 million, making Turkey the host country with one of the largest refugee populations in the world.
8- The JCC notes that the EU-Turkey statement of 18 March 2016 has continued to play a key role in ensuring that the migration challenge in the Eastern Mediterranean is addressed effectively and jointly by EU and Turkey. The JCC stresses the need for cooperation in order to tackle this challenge as the push factors for migration remain, and calls all parties to meet all their commitments.
9- JCC members reiterate their support for the visa liberalisation dialogue launched in December 2013 to progress towards the elimination of the visa obligation currently imposed on Turkish citizens travelling to the Schengen area for a short term stay. JCC members also take note of the important role that visa liberalisation could play in building trust between Turkey and the EU and its Member States, and therefore ask both the Turkish government and the European Commission to fully cooperate in fulfilling the remaining benchmarks of the visa liberalisation Roadmap. The JCC underlines the need to meet all agreed benchmarks, including the ones regarding the full respect of fundamental rights.
Economic situation in Turkey and EU-Turkey economic developments
10- The JCC welcomes the Turkish economy's resilience in the face of severe challenges; it acknowledges that this positive economic growth could be higher in the absence of the existing tensions and asks for efforts to strengthen the basis of mutual trust.
11- The JCC acknowledges the establishment of a high level economic dialogue between the EU and Turkey, which brings together representatives from the Turkish government and the European Commission, including representatives of major business organisations from both sides, to further enhance economic relations, promote sound industrial relations, create a better business environment and deeper bilateral trade and investment links and calls for the second meeting of the high level economic dialogue in autumn 2017.
12- The JCC welcomes the European Commission's proposal for the modernisation of the Customs Union Agreement and the recommendations that the enhancement of the bilateral trade relations should cover additional economic sectors as well as a sustainability chapter on labour, social and environmental standards.
13- The JCC believes that any type of trade agreement between the EU and Turkey will have to include effective consultation and inclusion of the social partners (employers associations and trade unions) and other civil society organisations at both the negotiating and implementation stages. In this sense, the JCC expresses its readiness to play this consultative role in its capacity as a joint civil society body within EU-Turkey relations.
The state of social issues and employment in Turkey, including rights and employment of women
14- The JCC takes note that the ILO European regional conference will be held in Istanbul.
15- The JCC underlines that further measures and policies should be implemented to promote fundamental labour rights and decent work, in compliance with ILO fundamental conventions, and to facilitate the transition from the informal to the formal economy, thus increasing the tax base for governments and fair competition among enterprises. The JCC acknowledges the opportunities that fair trade and corporate social responsibility offer to EU and Turkish businesses.
16- The JCC stresses that it is in the interests of both parties to move decisively and irreversibly towards a pluralist, peaceful society in which all ideas, except for incitement to violence, may be freely expressed, where freedom of expression and of association, including the right to demonstrate in public and to take part in strikes, according to national laws, are important principles, and where all the components of civil society, including minorities of every kind, may exist and speak out freely.
17- The JCC recalls the importance of promoting sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all, in line with SDG No 8 in the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
18- The JCC stresses that equal access to the labour market is a corner stone of women's economic independence and participation in public life. Access to digital and financial inclusion should be facilitated and increased while support for women’s entrepreneurship should be scaled up.
19- The JCC calls for action and investment to further support women's employment in better quality jobs.
20- The JCC asks that, besides political commitment, gender equality laws and policies in both the EU and Turkey are fully implemented in practice and concrete support, quantifiable objectives and identified incentives are provided to overcome the inequality between men and women.
21- The JCC considers that the social and economic empowerment and gender mainstreaming of women are both crucial to achieving real gender equality. The female education and employment rate must increase and opportunities must be provided for women joining the labour force, such as relief from domestic responsibilities and social care services, including child and elderly care; relevant infrastructures must be put in place to that end.
22- The JCC underlines that the reconciliation of work and family life for women is an engine of growth. The public authorities have to guarantee high quality social services, income support, transfer payments and adequate social security.
23- The JCC welcomes initiatives such as the extension of the incentives for the employment of women (Government Decree nr. 2015/8321, Official Gazette nr. 21576, 28 December 2015), and stresses that there should be a new and substantial childcare system in Turkey, which does not put the financial burden on employers, and therefore does not discourage from employing women. It is also necessary to professionalise the care sector in order to get jobs out of the informal economy in both the EU and Turkey.
Next JCC meeting
24- The 37th meeting of the JCC should take place in Adana, Turkey in the second half of 2017.